Sitemap - 2021 - Max Haiven's News

Listen, Gamer! For radical play and playful radicalism - with Marijam Didžgalvytė (CGCG17)

Anti-capitalist games and other creative conspiracies - with Paolo Pedercini (CGCG016)

We Are 'Nature' Defending Itself (book presentation with Isa Fremeaux and Jay Jordan)

Whither Harmony Square?: Conspiracy Games in Late Capitalism

Acid left, cosmic right and the games inbetween - with Keir Milburn (CGCG015)

Artgames and interspecies LARPS - with Marc and Ruth of Furtherfield(CGCG014)

Crazy walls, fans and conspiritual communities - with Aleena Chia (CGCG13)

A pyramid scheme for revolutionary care? - with Cassie Thornton (CGCG12)

Red Pill and conspiracy culture - with Hari Kunzru (CGCG11)

Men, war, capitalism and conspiracy - with Jack Bratich (CGCG10)

Anti-Black conspiracies and white paranoia - with El Jones (CGCG09)

Board games for social movements - with Brian from the TESA Collective (CGCG08)

Conspiracism as dangerous play - with A. Komporozos-Athanasiou, A.T. Kingsmith + M. Haiven (CGCG07)

Transformative gaming and the lessons of play - Interview with Rebecca Rouse (CGCG06)

Neoliberal feelings don't care about your facts - Interview with Marcus Gilroy-Ware (CGCG05)

The Muslims are (still) Coming! and other fantasies - interview with Arun Kundnani (CGCG04)

Vulnerable games and queer controllers - Interview with Jess Marcotte (CGCG03)

Narrative, games and other conspiracies - Interview with Wu Ming 1, part 2 (CGCG02)

The Q in Qonspiracy - Interview with Wu Ming 1, part 1 (CGCG01)

(Panel) The vengeance of unpayable debts: Racial capitalism and the reclaiming of debts from below

The struggle for the post-pandemic imagination (Max Haiven)

Revenge Against Revenge?: Biden’s Revenge Politics and The Cure at Troy (Max Haiven)

"Revenge Is A Human Dream": On The Poetics And Politics Of Avenging,

The GameStop saga is not the revenge against finance we deserve

The power, potential and peril of the GameStop affair (ROAR)

Brief overview of key themes in REVENGE CAPITALISM (2020)